Mobirise Website Builder

About Us

स्वस्तिप्रजाभ्यः परिपालयन्तां न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः।
गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु॥

May the well-being of all people be protected fairly by the rulers. May there be well being for all animals and scholars. May all the people be happy.

Mobirise Website Builder

Thriving for a better future ...

​Havyaka Association of the Americas (HAA) was formed during 1982 with the aim of providing a common forum towards adopting egalitarian inclusive values and inculcating the tradition to the present and future generations. CHAA is the Canadian chapter, a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Check out the HAA Website!

Activities undertaken by CHAA are:

- Promote cultural programs, traditional music, vegetarian cooking, vedic scriptural values, Yoga etc. among members and their children.
- Assist seniors to integrate with younger generation and pass on their professional expertise, cultural, moral and ethical values.
- Assist seniors to lead active and comfortable life.
- Assist new immigrants to adapt to Canadian culture, values and environment.
- Conduct programs useful for children and youth for their overall development.
- Raise funds and donate to other charitable organizations in Canada. 
- Award scholarships to dedicated high school students every year. 
- Promote Yakshagana, one of the leading traditional theatre arts of India in association with Yakshamitra Toronto.

Primary Committee Members:

Mobirise Website Builder

Krishna Prasad Balike

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Vice President

Naveen Chandrashekar

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Director 1

Shwetha Bhat

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Director 2

Manjunath Bhat

Mobirise Website Builder

Sharada Hegde

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Website Manager

Ragu Kattinakere

Mobirise Website Builder
Hospitality Manager

Nagabushana Madhyastha

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Facility Manager

Rajesh Hegde

Mobirise Website Builder
Event Manager

Aparna Bhat

Mobirise Website Builder
Youth Members 1

Tanay Hegde

Mobirise Website Builder
Youth Members 2

Puneet Bhat

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Youth Members 3

Amrutha Bhat

Mobirise Website Builder
Youth Members 4

Shreyas Hegde

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